Boom cards, a fantastic new learning tool!

The last year has been challenging for kids’ virtual learning, to say the least. But among all the newly discovered ways of learning, Boom cards have got to be the most fun and addictive activity of all.

boom cards urdu
what are boom cards

So what are these Boom Cards?

Boom cards (not sponsored) basically are digital flashcards that you play with on the computer to learn any topic or subject.

They are created by teachers for their classes and have a wide range in the grade level and subjects that they can be used for. Some are free but most are accessible through the school membership.

Language learning tool with unlimited potential

I loved the idea of using them to teach my kids the Urdu alphabet. But when I looked through the store, I did not find a single deck in the Urdu language. So I looked into making them myself.

It was not as easy as I thought but I have been able to come up with a set of cards myself.

To understand how to play them, I am showing this video below. This is a different deck from the one I made. But it will give you the idea.

Here is a sample video that shows how to play

How do I access the Urdu Boom cards?

These are available for you to do with your kids or even for yourself!

My daughter could not wait to play with these.

All you have to do is make sure you are subscribed to the newsletter and that way you can get the updates about new decks as I post them.

Let me know how you like playing with them.

Do not forget to save the page to come back to it as I update the decks.

For new subscribers, please confirm your email to get the password to play.

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